
2010-07-03 08:46 阅读(?)评论(0)

    从伦理上讲医务人员和患者发生性关系是否正当?答案是否定的。医护人员一旦和病人或其家庭成员处于非专业关系(unprofessional relations),就必须终止,并将病人转诊给其他合适的医护人员,以避免潜在的职业危机。否则,是严重违反医师从业誓言的。布宜诺斯艾利斯大学佩雷斯等撰文认为,因为患方的弱势,医患发生性关系Doctor–patient sexual relationship是不公平对等的。对于这种关系的禁令自古既有,最早始于希波克拉底誓言Hippocratic oath。他们对世界各国50个医学誓言进行了研究,发现无论13个中世纪古老医学誓言,还是37现代医学誓言。均明确取指出,禁止医生与病人发生任何形式的性关系。基于经济和社会原因,禁止性条款自古以来被列入法律范畴。 

    美国医师协会的第四版伦理手册,针对医师和病人之间的性接触问题也明确提出了道德要求(American College of Physicians 1998):病人对于医师的依赖和信任,以及医患之间的感情转移和权力不均衡等多种因素,使得病人处于一种容易遭受伤害的境地。所以,这就要求医师不要和病人发生性关系。即使病人主动开始或同意某种性接触,医师和病人卷入性关系同样属于不道德行为。

J Med Ethics 2006;32:702-705 doi:10.1136/jme.2005.014910

Doctor–patient sexual relationships in medical oaths

S G Pérez, R J Gelpi, A M Rancich

Department of Pathology, Institute of Cardiovascular Physiopathology, Faculty of Medicine, Buenos Aires University, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Background: Doctor–patient sexual relationship is considered to be unfair because the first party would be abusing the second party’s vulnerability. The prohibition of this relationship is noted in the Hippocratic oath. Currently, a reprise of the use of oaths in medical schools can be observed.

Aim: To determine whether the prohibition has been maintained and how its expression has varied in the oaths during different periods.

Methods: 50 oaths were studied: 13 ancient–medieval and 37 modern–contemporary. Of the 50 texts, 19 were versions of the original oaths. The oaths that pointed out the prohibited doctor–patient relationship referred to any sexual aspect or included paragraphs that began as the Hippocratic oath does were noted.

Results: Of the 24 (48%) texts that expressed the prohibition, 8 (62%) were ancient–medieval and 16 (43%) were modern–contemporary. Some expressly call it Hippocratic oath, many use general terminology (corruption or vice) and others describe it in association with other commitments (abortion and euthanasia).

Conclusions: The clause on the prohibition of the doctor–patient sexual relationship in Hippocratic oath was included to be for legal, economic and social reasons at the time. That the clause is found mostly in the ancient–medieval oaths can be attributed to the influence of the original. This commitment is generalised and associated with others by contemporary formulas. Currently, sexual relationships are the subject of legal and ethical analysis and their inclusion in the oaths is being debated.



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